How to Install Netdata on Fedora 38

2 Quick Steps to Install Netdata on Fedora 38

Need to install Netdata on Fedora 38?

I’ve got you covered.

Netdata is a free and open-source monitoring tool for FreeBSD, macOS, and Linux-based operating systems. There are several approaches you can take to install Netdata on Fedora. I’ll cover two of the most convenient methods in this guide.

Note: I’m using Fedora 38 with the Xfce desktop environment for demonstration purposes.

What You’ll Need

  • Fedora 38 installed and running (guide)
  • Familiarity with the Command Line Interface (CLI) and CLI commands (guide)
  • Root account or sudo privileges (guide)
  • A stable internet connection

This is the easiest and most recommended method of installing Netdata on Linux systems, including Fedora. 

The Netdata team provides a kickstart installation script that automatically installs the necessary dependencies. It also builds Netdata from the source.

Step 1: Download the Netdata One-Line Installer Script

You must first download the script from the official website. You can use either the wget command or the curl command.

  1. Run any of the below commands to download the script:
wget -O /tmp/


curl > /tmp/
download netdata installer script
  1. To confirm if the download was successful or not, you can use the ls command like this:
ls /tmp/
ls command

As you can notice from the above screenshot, the download was successful in my case, and the file is located in the chosen directory.

  1. Another thing you can do is verify the integrity of the script. What that means is that you will verify whether the script comes from Netdata or not. To verify its integrity, run the below command:
[ "e72c22b3ff4db284c2f36da726759121" = "$(curl -Ss | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" ] && echo "OK, VALID" || echo "FAILED, INVALID"
verifying netdata script integrity

If the script comes from the official source, you should see OK, VALID as the output, as you can notice from the above screenshot.

Related: How to Monitor Your Linux Server’s Resource Consumption

Step 2: Install Netdata Using the Script

After downloading the script, you can now install it. But since the script is not executable yet, you need to do that first in order to run the script.

  1. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the script. If you followed this tutorial, then it should be in the /tmp/ directory. Navigate there with this command:
cd /tmp/
  1. Convert the script into an executable file with the below command:
chmod +x
cd command
  1. Now that your script is executable, you can run it on your system. Run the script with the below command:
install netdata on fedora
  1. Enter y and press the Enter button to confirm the installation. You’ll need to confirm once again when verifying it using GPG. So do that once more.

And that covers the script method of installing Netdata on Fedora.

Method 2: Install Netdata on Fedora Native Packages

Netdata provides pre-built packages for most Linux distributions, including Fedora. You can install an RPM package of Netdata.

Step 1: Form the RPM Package Repository baseurl

In this step, I’ll show you how to make the baseurl for the Netdata repository. You’ll need this baseurl later on when creating a repo file for Netdata.

The Netdata software packages are located at However, depending on the distribution, distro version, and architecture, you’ll have to add more to the URL before adding it. 

I’ll cover all these right now.

The first thing to do before installing any package is to update your software repository list. This ensures you have the latest packages available for installation.

  1. Update your system by running this command:
sudo yum update
sudo yum update command
  1. I will now walk you through the process of getting the baseurl of the repository. There are four groups of Netdata packages: stable, edge, repoconfig, and devel. For this tutorial, I’ll download it from the stable repo. These packages are stable releases of the Netdata agent. Adding the group to the link results in this:
  1. Now, you choose the Linux flavor. In this case, it’s Fedora. So add the distro name to the link in lowercase, like this:
  1. Next, add the version of the distribution to the link, 38 in this case.
  1. Then, add the system architecture. You have two options: x86_64 and aarch64. I’m going with x86_64.

Now you have the baseurl. You’re now ready to create a repository file for Netdata.

Step 2: Create a repo File for Netdata

For this step, you’ll need a text editor. I’m going to use the Nano text editor for this one. 

  1. Create a repo file for Netdata in Nano by running this command:
sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/netdata.repo
  1. In the file, add the below configuration:




creating a Netdata configuration file for Fedora
  1. Once done, save the file using Ctrl+O and exit using Ctrl+X keys.
  2. Now update your repo list once again with this command:
sudo yum update
sudo yum update command
  1. When you see a confirmation prompt, enter y and then press the Enter button.

That should add the repository to your repo list. The only thing left is to install the RPM package.

Step 3: Install the Netdata RPM Package

Let’s now install Netdata on Fedora.

  1. To install the RPM package, run the below command:
sudo yum install netdata
install Netdata on Fedora

When asked for confirmation, enter y and press the Enter button.

  1. You can verify the installation by checking its version. Check Netdata’s version with this command:
netdata -v
check Netdata version
  1. After Netdata is installed, you must start its process to be able to use it. Start Netdata with the below command:
systemctl start netdata
  1. Then check whether the process is successfully running with this command:
systemctl status netdata
start Netdata on Fedora

The green active status indicates that it’s running properly.

  1. However, if you shut down your system, the process will stop. If you want to start Netdata every time you turn on your device, then you must enable it. Enable Netdata with this command:
systemctl enable netdata

And that finishes the second method for installing Netdata on Fedora.


This guide shows you two different methods of installing the Nedata monitoring tool on Fedora 38. To reiterate, if you’re a beginner (or even an expert), the recommended and easiest way to install Netdata is by using the one-liner script. But if you want to do everything manually, go with the second method.

Interested in system monitoring for your Linux system? Check out how to monitor your server’s resource consumption on Linux or how to monitor and optimize power usage on Linux.

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